Most common questions related to Motorcycle VIN Check:
1. Where is the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) on my motorcycle?
Answer: Most newer motorcycles typically have the VIN stamped on the “steering neck or steering stem” – where the front suspension forks go through the frame behind the headlight. Some Harley Davidson’s only have the VIN stamped on the side of the engine and nowhere on the frame. Location varies on Honda’s look for a tag riveted to the steering neck or one some bikes the VIN is stamped on the frame just below the seat. Different manufacturers and the age of the motorcycle will ultimately determine the VIN location.
2. How can you check your VIN number for free?
Answer: The National Insurance Crime Bureau NICB, will do a free VIN Numbers check and tells you if the motorcycle has been stolen, or totaled. There are reasonably priced online services that will provide you with a more detailed motorcycle VIN check report. See Sources and Related Links for more information at the bottom of this page.
3. What does a Motorcycle VIN Check Report contain?
Answer: A motorcycle history report can contain details on:
- Disclose past motorcycle damage
- motorcycle VIN decoding
- Last recorder odometer reading
- Crushed vehicle history
- Multi-state title searches
- Damaged or salvaged motorcycle title
- Stolen motorcycle title
- Rebuilt motorcycle title
- Motorcycle Manufacturer specifications
- Motorcycle Manufacturer recall history